Chart 38. Pembertons of Rendlesham and
Bredfield, Suffolk.

This group of families in Suffolk present some difficulty as to their mutual relationship. The information, up to the present, is derived almost entirely from Wills, and probably a search of the Registers would clear up many points.

The first Will is that of WILLIAM PEMBERTON, B.D., of Rendlesham, dated 22nd Oct., 1598.*

In it he mentions his wife ELIZABETH; and sons, RICHARD, “ MATTHIE,”† Joseph, Benjamin and Paul, and daughters Scholastica and Anne, all the children being minors.

Now we have further Wills between 1625 and 1650 of a Richard, Matthias, Joseph and Paul Pemberton, who were brothers of each other and had a brother Benjamin (who had died before any of them) and two sisters, the name of one being Anne. The name of the other sister is not given, but that it was Scholastica is rendered most probable by the fact that both Matthias and Richard gave one of their daughters this very uncommon name. If this be the case, then the second family would correspond name for name with that of William of Rendlesham, and the conclusion would be irresistible that the Wills are those of his sons.

There remains, however, a difficulty. Paul (No. 6) in his Will of 1625 refers to “my mother Mary Whickett, widow,” whereas the wife of William of Rendlesham, who survived him, was Elizabeth. If the two families are identical, the only solution seems to be that Paul is referring to a mother-in-law, though there is no other evidence that he was married. The Chart, however, is based on this assumption.

William Pemberton, of Bredfield, was certainly a relation of the Rendlesham family, Joseph Pemberton (No. 4) being described as a “kinsman” in William’s Will (1640) of which he was executor. There have been Pembertons living at Bredfield until quite recent years.

We referred in the last Chart (37) to Foster’s confusion of William of Rendlesham with William of High Ongar. It may be well here to extract what refers to the former. “1572-3 B.A. Pembroke College, Cambs., 1576 M.A. (incorporated 11 July 1581 at Oxford) . . . 1584 Rector of Rendlesham, co. Suffolk, 1585 Rector of Ufford” (near Rendlesham). John Pemberton, son of William, of Bredfield, became a prominent person in Ipswich, and died there in 1719.

* Proved P.C.C. 4 May 1599, 42 Kidd.

So written also in the Marriage Registers of Charlton. See note on Chart 36.