Chart 36. Kent. Pembertons of Eltham
and Charlton.

Several Pembertons lived or owned land in Eltham in the 15th and 16th Centuries. These included (1) James, “Garcio of the King’s Chamber,” and Keeper of both the old and new (1481) Park*; (2) Richard Pemberton and Elizabeth his wife, and Peter Pemberton and Elizabeth his wife (1481 and 1493),† and the family of Richard; and (3) Thomas Pemberton in 1552. In the note on Chart 34 we saw that Hugh Pemberton, Merchant Taylor, of London, who died in 1500, married Katharine Rypon, who was almost certainly the daughter of Robert Rypon, of Eltham. Their son, Matthew, owned land in Eltham,§ and the above mentioned Thomas is almost certainly the son of Matthew, born in 1517. The other Eltham Pembertons probably belonged to the same family.

At Charlton the Rev. John Pemberton was instituted as Rector in 1626, and suffered for his opinions in the stormy years that followed. At the same time there lived at Charlton a Thomas Pemberton, probably a brother of the Rector.

In 1629 “William Pemberton, of St. Olave’s, .Southwark, son of Miles Pemberton, of Moreton, Cheshire,” mortgaged some property to ‘‘John Pemberton, of Charlton, Clerk.”‡ This points to a connection between the Charlton family and that of Moreton, which we deal with in the next Chart (37). The Miles, mentioned above, is almost certainly the brother of William, Parson of High Ongar, Essex, and there were two younger brothers, Thomas and John, both under 16 in 1592, when their father died. It is therefore more than probable that these two are the Thomas and John of Charlton. It is true that a “John Pemberton, of Moreton” died at Moreton in 1647, and that administration was granted to his widow and “Thomas Pemberton of Moreton, husbandman,” but these two may have been the sons of Miles (Chart 37, Nos 13, 14). On the other hand Miles' sons may have been the Thomas and John of Charlton. The Charlton Registers also contain the marriage of “Matthie” Pemberton, of Coggeshall, Essex (see Chart 38, No. 3) to Anne Emmerson of Ipswich, widow, in October 1633, and this again suggests a connection between the Rector of Charlton and the family of William Pemberton of Rendlesham, Suffolk, to which Matthie belonged.

* Hasted's "Kent,” pp. 177 and 279.

Hasted’s “Kent,” p. 208.

§ Will dated 1515.

Close Rolls, 5 Car. I., Part 35, No. 2, This William was a citizen and brewer of Lambeth, whose Will was proved in P.C.C. in 1657.

¶ W. Fergusson Irvine’s MS., “Bidston Registers”