Chart 29. Durham. Pembertons of Stanhope,
Aislaby, Bainbridge Holme, The Barnes, etc.

At present no connection has been traced between this branch of the family and any of the other branches. For some time it was considered that the different arms indicated a distinct origin, but from what has been said in the Introduction,* it will be seen that the arms of the Durham family very closely resemble those borne in the 2nd and 3rd quarters by several other branches, notably the Northamptonshire family (Chart 9), and the St. Albans family (Charts 10, 11, 12). If, as we surmise, the quarterings were originally borne by William of Somershall who heads the Northamptonshire Chart, this would point to a Lancashire origin for the Durham family as well, and considering the predominance of the name John we would suggest John Pemberton II. (Chart 1, No. 19) as a possible ancestor.

The present head of the family is Mr. John S. G. Pemberton, formerly M. P. for Sunderland.

The principal authorities consulted in compiling the Chart are:—

1. Harleian MSS., 1168 fo. 25b, containing the Visitation of Durham in 1575, and 1153 fo. 33ff, 1540 fo. 83b and 84, and 1397 fo. 222b, containing the Visitation of 1615.

2. Surtees’ “History of Durham,” in 4 Vols., with Pedigrees of Pemberton in Vols. 1 and 3.

3. J. Burke’s Commoners,” Vol. 2, pp. 70-78 and 684 (Ed. 1836).

4. J. B. Burke’s “Landed Gentry” (Ed., 1900) which commences with John Pemberton, of Stanhope (No. 1). Later editions omit all the names on the Chart before John Pemberton of Hilton (No. 33). There is possibly a slight uncertainty concerning the parentage of this John, but the fact that the family still quarter the Hindmarsh† arms seems to connect them definitely with Richard Pemberton (No. 7), who married Alice Hindmarsh, and so with John of Stanhope.

* p. xiii. above
† In 2nd quarter. “Gules, on a mound a hind lodged all proper.”