21. Pembertons of Curdworth and Sutton Coldfield.
Star Chamber Proceedings* and the Subsidy Rolls show that there was
an Abraham Pemberton at Sutton Coldfield in 1601-2 and 1610, but the
Parish Registers render no assistance in identifying him, or
connecting him with the Abrahams who followed him there for the next
100 years. An Abraham (No. 2) was married to Jane Crisp at Tatenhill,
near Burton-on-Trent, in 1594, and had a son, William, baptised there
in 1596, and a daughter in 1618 (Nos. 6 and 7), and it is tempting to
think that he moved to Sutton Coldfield, and was the father of tne
Abraham who died in 1680 (No. 5). On the other hand the founder of
this branch may be Abraham, the son of Thomas Pemberton of Bordesley
(Chart 17, No. 13), who was born about 1563, but all this is
conjecture. Again, Abraham, of Sutton Coldfield (No. 5), may have
been a son of “Old Edward” of Curdworth (No. 1). There was
probably a close connection between the Pembertons of Sutton
Coldfield and Curdworth, as most of the baptisms, marriages, and
burials of the former family were at the latter place, though this is
partly accounted for by the fact that Greaves, where Abraham lived,
was in Sutton Parish, but much nearer Curdworth Church. Abraham (No.
5) was Warden of the Sutton Corporation, and Churchwarden in 1657.
have added the Solihull and Fillongley Pembertons, who were probably
connected with each other, as they, with those at Rowington, were
among the earliest in the district. The Charts are compiled from the
Registers of Curdworth, Sutton Coldfield, Solihull and Fillongley,
and the Wills referred to on the Charts. The Rector of Curdworth, the
Rev. L. Mitchell, kindly supplied a complete list of Pemberton
entries from his Registers, and the Sutton Registers were searched by
Mr. J. B. Bickley, of Birmingham.‡
is possible, and even probable, that William (No. 6), son of Abraham,
of Tatenhill, was the ancestor of a large group of Pembertons in
Derbyshire and Leicestershire† and so of “Thomas Pemberton and
sons,” of Birmingham.§
* 44 Eliz. Holden v. Pemberton.
‡ The
following legal proceedings concern this family :—
1601-2. 44 Eliz. Star Chamber Proc. Abraham P. of S.C. Yeoman,
1681. 33 Car. II, F. of F. Abraham P.
and Frances his wife (No. 18) Def.
1693. 6
Will. and Mary. F. of F. Abraham P. and Frances his wife (No. 18).
1716. 2 Geo. I. F. of F. Abraham and
Henry P. (Nos. 18 and 22) Def.
possibly 1733. 6/7 Geo. II. F. of F. Edward and Hannah P. (? No. 11)
See Chart 24.
§ Chart 23.