Chart 16. Shropshire Family. Pembertons of Wrockwardine, etc.
This Chart is based mainly on two MS. Charts kindly lent by Mr. Busick E. Pemberton,* supplemented by Registers and Wills. The first chart is from the “Morris MSS.” in the possession of R. A. Eyton, Esq., of Walford Hall, 1543-1848, and the second from the “Newling MSS.” in the Salt Library, Stafford.
The family commences with Henry Pemberton of Uppington, who died in 1543-4. He was undoubtedly descended from the Lancashire family, where there were many Henrys about this time, but the connection has not been traced.
Henry’s son Robert (No. 2) settled at Aston-under-Wrekin, where his descendants are found for four generations. Robert’s great grandson, John (No. 13), moved to Wrockwardine, where the family remained as long as they retained the name of Pemberton. Edward Pemberton VII. (No. 77) married Martha, daughter of William Cludde, of Orleton, and his son on inheriting the Orleton estate took the name of Cludde. This property passed by marriage into the Herbert family. Robert Pemberton VI. (No. 78), brother of Edward Pemberton VII., received the Millichope Estate under the Will of Mrs. Catherine More, some time after 1769, and it passed in due course to his only grandson, Rev. Robert Norgrove Pemberton (No. 110), Rector of Church Stretton, who, dying without issue, left Millichope to his cousin, Charles Orlando Childe (No. 112), who added the name of Pemberton to that of Childe, and became Mr. Childe-Pemberton. His son, Major Charles Baldwyn Childe-Pemberton, sold the estate and dropped the name of Pemberton in 1884. Another case of change of name is that of Edward William Smythe Pemberton, of Condover (No. 106), who took the name of Owen instead of Pemberton on inheriting Condover from his mother’s brother, Nicholas Owen Smythe Owen in 1814. Meanwhile another branch of the family, descended from Roger Pemberton II. (No. 14), the brother of the John who built the house at Wrockwardine, settled at “Leaton,” but the later representa­tives of this line seem to have scattered far and wide, and have not been traced.

* Chart 35, No. 23.