Chart 12. St. Albans Family. Peterborough Branch.

The second son of Roger Pemberton I., of St. Albans (Chart 10, No. 2) was Robert Pemberton II. (No. 8) who married Susan Glover. He was a Haberdasher of the City of London, and had two sons, Roger II. (Chart 12, No. 1), and Robert III. (No. 2). The elder son married and emigrated, apparently to the West Indies, but left no issue. Robert, the second son, was a barrister, and settled in Peterborough, where he was steward to the Dean and Chapter, in which office he was succeeded by his eldest son, Roger III. (No. 4), and his descendants remained in Peterborough until the third generation, when all trace of them is lost about 1754, but we give in connection with the next Chart reasons for supposing that Robert IV. (No. 5), the second son of Robert III. and Cecilia (Trevelyan) his wife, emigrated to the West Indies, and founded the West Indian branch of this family.