Chart 10. St. Albans Family. The Founders.
Pembertons are found in the earliest Registers of St. Albans Abbey (1558), but apparently had not long been settled there. The earliest member concerning whom there is no uncertainty is Roger (No. 2) who was born about 1556.

The information concerning the earlier generations is in great part derived from the Visitation of Herts, in 1634, and that of Northants. in 1681, the former being reproduced in various Harleian MSS.* with some variations. These two visitations differ in the material point of the name of the father of the above mentioned Roger. That of Herts, gives the name as “ Robert Pemberton of St. Albans," whose wife’s name was Katherine, while that of Northants. gives “ Jeffery Pemberton who “ came from Wiston in Lancashire and settled at St. Albans, being descended from the Pembertons of Pemberton Hall in com. Lancs.”

A Robert Pemberton had children baptised at St. Albans Abbey in 1563, 1565, and 1567, and died in 1578, and it is practically certain that he was the father of Roger. Jeffery was probably the grandfather, but no one of that name lias been traced at VVhiston. He may be the Geoffrey who graduated at Oxford in 1512,+ and took his M.A. in 1516.
Roger was survived by his three sons, John, Robert and Ralph. (1) The descendants of John settled in Bedfordshire, but this branch (Chart 11) became extinct in the male line in 1799 on the death of the Rev. John Pemberton. His younger sister, however, married Thomas Butcher, and their son took the name of Pemberton on his mother’s death. The last known representative of this family was Mrs. Randle Jackson Pemberton, who was living at St. Budeaux, near Plymouth, in 1914, but has since moved, and it is not known if she is still alive.
The descendants of Robert Pemberton settled in Peterborough (Chart 12), whence, it is believed, one member emigrated to the West Indies (Chart 13). The Peterborough branch soon died out, but the West Indian one, to which the compiler belonged, has many living representatives.
The third son, Ralph, is the ancestor of the Cambridge branch (Charts 14, 15), who still live at Trumpington. For many years members of this family held the livings of Foxearth and Btlchamp St. Paul, in Essex.
* 1504, 1234, 1547 and 1429. Also 1546 being the Visitation of Herts. in 1572, with additions made by R. Mundy in 1620. This confirms the Herts. Visitation as to the Father of Roger being Robert, adding "of . . . in com. Chester, came and lived at St. Albans."

† Foster's Al. Ox., Early Series.