Chart 9. Pembertons of Rushden and Higham Ferrers, Northants.
This branch of the family of Pemberton appears to have been settled at Rushden, co. Northampton, as early as the second half of the 15th Century, as we find a Robert Pemberton, Esq., a sheriff for the Shire in Nov. 1480, and a Robert, probably the same, was elected "Knight of the Shire" in 1477.
The Visitation of Northampton in 1566 commences with a "William Pemberton of Somersayle in com. Lancester Esquire"* whose eldest son and heir was a Robert Pemberton, who doubtless was the one just referred to, and their descendants seem to have remained in that town, or Higham Ferrers, which was close to it (the two being now almost continuous), till at least the beginning of the 18th Century, the last male descendant of the above named William Pemberton who has been traced being a Thomas Pemberton of Higham Ferrers, who died in 1703 leaving issue, so far as known, one daughter only.
The most prominent men in the family appear to have been the Robert Pemberton (I.) above alluded to, who died in 1492, his grandson,† also a Robert (II.), who died in 1594, Sir Goddard Pemberton,§ a son of the last named Robert, who died I 1616, and Sir Goddard’s nephew Sir Lewis Pemberton¶ who died in 1640 or 1641.
That this family was closely connected with the branch that settled at St. Albans‡ in the 18th Century seems to admit of no doubt, but the exact connection between the two has not as yet been ascertained, nor the connection of either with the original family of Pemberton in Lancashire, but it may be descended from William III. In Chart 1**.

* Harl. MS. 1171, fo. 31B/33b.
Nos. 2 and 7.
§ No. 15. Sir Goddard died without issue, Sir Lewis was his nephew. The Dict. Of ?Nat. Biography (in article on Sir Francis Pemberton) is wrong in calling Sir Lewis his son, and in most of its genealogical statements.
¶ No. 22.
Cha: 10. [Ed. Note to 2014 Edition: This may be “Chs: 10”.]