Charts 1-4.

Some uncertainty must exist in Chart 1. as to the number of the successive Alans (whether they were two or three) and as to the number of “Williams sons of Adams.” The lapse of time between the first Adam (No. 4) and the last William (No. 18) seems to demand the three pairs given in the Chart, and this is supported by other evidence. It is also practically certain that there were three Alans in succession.* The same difficulty occurs in Chart 2 with the Jameses, where again another generation has been inserted. The ancestry of Richard de Pemberton who stands at the head of Chart 2 cannot yet be decided. The elder line of Chart 1 certainly ended in co-heiresses , and Richard must be descended from one of the younger branches, but which it is impossible to say. Possibly John Pemberton II. (No. 19) was his father. From Richard, however, the succession is quite clear to the present day. We give on Chart 1 collateral branches whose names occur in early documents, but whose connection with the main branch is uncertain, in the hope that further research may provide the missing links.
Our authorities for the Lancashire family are chiefly the Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society’s Publication, the “Victoria History of the County of Lancashire,” the “Pedigree Register” for September, 1910, which contains a pedigree compiled by Lady Leigh Pemberton, who also placed all her large collection of MS. material at the disposal of the compiler and editor of these Charts.

* In these points the Chart differs from that in the Pedigree Register.