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Major-General R. C. B. PEMBERTON, C.B., C.S.I, R.E.,



Rector of Ingatestone, Essex.



My father spent a great deal of his time after he retired from the Army in investigating the history of the various branches of the Pemberton family, and succeeded in collecting a large amount of material, and it was his wish that this should be made available for future investigators by publication. His scheme was that the Charts should be accompanied by biographical and other notes on the different individuals, together with proofs and authorities for statements and suppositions, and therefore the information on the Charts was reduced to a minimum. He died in December 1914, and it was impossible for me during the war to do anything towards fulfilling his wish, but during the last two years I have endeavoured to assimilate the information he had gleaned, to bring it up to date and in some cases to add to it, but in the midst of a busy life I have had to forego any extensive original research, and think it best to issue now the necessarily incomplete result. The cost of printing, however, makes it impossible to publish the whole work at the present time and so, acting on expert advice, I am publishing the Pedigrees separately as a first volume, hoping that the interest of the various families may justify the issue of the Notes on the Pedigrees as a second volume in the near future. I have added short introductions to most of the Charts, noting the chief cases where assumptions have been made, but fuller details and also acknowledgments of help received are reserved for the future. There is still need for much further research in some of the branches, especially Lancashire, Cheshire, London and Suffolk, and as more Parish Registers and early documents are printed it should become possible to link up most, if not all, of the branches with the original Lancashire stock.

Robert Pemberton

Engatestone Rectory, Essex.

January 1, 1923





Chart 1. The Founders
Chart 2. Pembertons of Pemberton, Tunsted, Prescot, Halsnead, Etc.
Chart 3. Pembertons of Warrington and Plas Issa (con­tinued from Chart 2)
Chart 4. Leigh-Pembertons (continued from Charts 2 and 3)
Chart 5. Descendants of John Pemberton, Apothecary, of Liverpool and Chester
Chart 6. Pembertons of Chester
Chart 7. Pembertons of Neston, Co. Chester
Chart 8. Pembertons of Liverpool
Chart 9. Pembertons of Rushden and Highham Ferrers
Chart 10. The Founders
Chart 11. The Bedfordshire Branch
Chart 12. The Peterborough Branch
Chart 13. The West Indian Branch
Chart 14. Cambridge Branch (Part I) Pembertons of Trumpington, Newton (Cambs.) and Belchamp St. Paul (Essex), Etc.
Chart 15. Cambridge Branch (Part 2) Descendants of C. R. Pemberton by His First Wife (continued from Chart 14)


Chart 16. Pembertons of Wrockwardine, Leighton, Orleton Millichope, Etc.


Chart 17. The Founders

Chart 18. Descendants of Roger Pemberton, Goldsmith, and William Pemberton (continued from Chart 17)

Chart 19. Descendants of Richard Pemberton, of Bordesley (continued from Chart 17)

Chart 20. Pembertons of Deritend and Worcester

Chart 21. Pembertons of (a) Curd worth and Sutton Coldfield; (6) Solihull; and (c) Fillongley and Kingsbury

Chart 22. Descendants of Nathaniel Pemberton, of Birmingham (continued from Chart 18)

Chart 23. “ Thomas Pemberton and Sons ”

Chart 24. Pembertons of Whitwick, co. Leicester

Chart 25. Family of Mr. Max Pemberton


Chart 26. Pembertons of Philadelphia

Chart 27. Pembertons of Boston (Part 1)

Chart 28. Pembertons of Boston (Part 2)


Chart 29. Pembertons of Stanhope, Aislaby, Bainbridge Holme, The Barnes, Etc.


Chart 30. Descendants of John Pemberton of Ormskirk, co. Lancs.

Chart 31. Descendants of Joseph Pemberton, of Dublin

Chart 32. Descendants of Rev. Arthur Gore Pemberton (continued from Chart 31)

Chart 33. Descendants of Benjamin Pemberton, of Raheny


Chart 34. Family of Sir James Pemberton, Lord Mayor (1545- 1625)

Chart 35. Family of Thomas Pemberton of Gough House, Chelsea


Chart 36. Pembertons of Eltham and Charlton, Kent

Chart 37. Rev. William Pemberton, Rector of High Ongar, Essex, and Pembertons of Moreton, Cheshire

Chart 38. Pembertons of Rendlesham and Bredfield, Suffolk

Chart 39. Family of Rev. Joseph Hardwick Pemberton, of Havering-atte-Bower, Essex

Chart 40. ffrlnch Pembertons, of New Zealand

Index 1. Pembertons only

Index 2. Other Surnames


The family of Pemberton undoubtedly derive their name from Pemberton in Lancashire. This is described1 as "a populous and extensive township, containing the manufacturing village of Lamberland Green. The Manor before and after the Conquest was one of the berewicks, or members, of the Manor of Newton-in-Makerfield, and is now claimed by the Leghs of Lynne, Haydock, etc., in right of their ancestors. The old 'Pemberton Hall' is now scarcely remembered." Since 1904 Pemberton has been taken into the civil parish of Wigan. The Normans took their names from places, just as the Saxons gave their names to places, and so one of the Norman families came to be known about the twelfth century as "de Pemberton," "de Penberton," or "de Penbreton." As the place-name is antecedent to the family name it seems natural to accept the most obvious derivation - "Pember's tun,"2 or village, but other suggestions have been made. One is that it stands for Pen-berton, i.e. the "berton" or walled-in-farm, or the "pen" or hill-top.3

Another4 would derive it from Pen Celtic for "head" or "hill," beorh or bre, which also mean “hill” and tun or “town,” i.e. “The town at the head of the hill.” – This, however, involves an awkward pleonasm. The last suggestion5 is “Pin-bearu-tun” or “the pinegrove farmstead.”

It is not known when the family first received the grant of a Coat-of-Arms, but we find arms assigned to them in various Harleian MSS., and the fact that Sir William Pemberton6 (d. 1293) was knighted points to an early grant.

The arms of Pemberton of Pemberton are generally given7 as “Arg., 3 buckets sa., hooped (and handled) or,” and the same is the case when quartered with Fazakerley (1523).8

Another MS. inserts a chevron sa.9 on the Arms of Sir James Pemberton, Lord Mayor of London, who came from Eccleston, Lancs., and the same is the case with “Pemberton of Dunstead.”10

When quartered with Molyneux (1520) the Arms are always given with the chevron, which is two MSS. is sable11 and in two vert12. Most modern branches retain the chevron.

Then we come to a difficult case. Above the Pedigree of the Northants. family (which begins with William Pemberton, of Somershall, Lancs.), in the visitation of 1619 is given the name of Sir William Pemberton13 (d. 1293) with that of his daughter, who married Thomas Molyneux, and in the opposite corner are the following arms: -

1st and 4th quarters: Arg. a chev. sa. between 3 buckets, hooped and handled or; 2nd and 3rd quarters: Arg. 3 heads (griffins’ or wyverns’) erect, sa.

It seems most likely, but not certain, that these are the arms of William of Somershall,14 but the combination is interesting as they recur, not only in the Northants. family,15 but also in those of William, Parson of Ongar,16 and one branch of the Birmingham family,17 while the Durham branch18 has retained the 3 heads and dropped the buckets, and one similar head has remained the crest of most branches.

What we have said disposes of the legend, especially tenacious in the Canadian family, that the buckets were granted as arms to a member of the family, who was a Mayor (generally Lord Mayor of London), for his services in helping extinguish a fire. Sir James Pemberton, the only Pemberton to be Lord Mayor of London,19 certainly bore these arms, but so did members of the family long before he was born.

[Ed. Note to 2014 Edition:The compiler of these charts, Major-General Robert Charles Boileau Pemberton, is no. 91 on Chart 13, and the editor, his son the Rev. Robert Pemberton, is no. 114 on the same chart.]

1. E. O. Baines’ History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster, and Victoria History of Lancashire.
2. Pendburh is an A.S. fem. name ” (Harrison).
3. The late Mr. Henry Pemberton, of Philadelphia, U.S.A.
4. Wyld and Hurst. “Place Names of Lancashire.”
5. Henry Harrison. “Place Names of Liverpool District,” and “Surnames of the U.K.”
6. Chart 1, No. 10.
7. Harl. MSS. 1158, fo. 17 (Arms and Ped. of Lancs. families), 1987, fo. 145; (R. Holme’s, Lancs. Ped.), 6,159, fo. 64 (Visitation of 1567); 1234, fo. 15b (Visitation of 1595); and 1,468, fo. 105 (Visitation, 1664).
8. Harl. MS. 1152, fo. 7b (Lancs. Ped.), and 1987, fo. 68 (R. Holme’s Lancs. Ped.)
9. Do. 2039, to. 222b (E. Holmes, Cheshire Coll.). See Chart 34.
10. Do. 1987, fo. 145. where the lower bucket is larger than the upper two.
11. Harl. MS. 1987, fo. 3b (R. Holme's Lancs. Ped., under Molyneux), and 6,159, fo. 55.
12. Do. 1,158, fo. 56 (Ped. and Arms of Lancs. Fam.), and 2,086, fo. 84b (Visitation of 1567).
13. Chart 1, No. 10. Harl. MS. 1,553, fo. 165.
14. He has not been identified in Lancashire. His son died in 1492, so he may be descended from William III. (Chart 1, No. 17).
15. See Chart 9.
16. Chart 37, No. 6.
17. Chart 22, No. 55.
18. Chart 29.
19. Chart 34.


Lancashire and Cheshire.
Chart 1. The Founders
Chart 2. Pemberton of Pemberton, Tunsted, Prescot, Halsnead, etc. descendants of Richard Pemberton (d. 1415).
Chart 3. Pembertons of Warrington and Plas Issa (continued from Chart 2)
Chart 4. Leigh-Pembertons (continued from Charts 2 and 3)
Chart 5. Descendants of John Pemberton, Apothecary, of Liverpool and Chester.
Chart 6. Pembertons of Chester
Chart 7. Pembertons of Neston, co. Chester.
Chart 8. Pembertons of Liverpool

Charts 1-4.

Some uncertainty must exist in Chart 1. as to the number of the successive Alans (whether they were two or three) and as to the number of “Williams sons of Adams.” The lapse of time between the first Adam (No. 4) and the last William (No. 18) seems to demand the three pairs given in the Chart, and this is supported by other evidence. It is also practically certain that there were three Alans in succession.* The same difficulty occurs in Chart 2 with the Jameses, where again another generation has been inserted. The ancestry of Richard de Pemberton who stands at the head of Chart 2 cannot yet be decided. The elder line of Chart 1 certainly ended in co-heiresses , and Richard must be descended from one of the younger branches, but which it is impossible to say. Possibly John Pemberton II. (No. 19) was his father. From Richard, however, the succession is quite clear to the present day. We give on Chart 1 collateral branches whose names occur in early documents, but whose connection with the main branch is uncertain, in the hope that further research may provide the mission links.
Our authorities for the Lancashire family are chiefly the Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society’s Publication, the “Victoria History of the County of Lancashire,” the “Pedigree Register” for September, 1910, which contains a pedigree compiled by Lady Leigh Pemberton, who also placed all her large collection of MS. material at the disposal of the compiler and editor of these Charts.

* In these points the Chart differs from that in the Pedigree Register.

Note to Chart 5.

John Pemberton, an Apothecary, came from Chester to Liverpool, of which town he was Bailiff in 1660 and a Freeman in 1693. He died in 1705. The male line soon died out, but descendants in the female line still survive. He was probably connected with the Pembertons of Chester.

The Chart has been compiled from the Parish Registers of St. Nicholas, Liverpool, and Holy Trinity, Chester, and the Wills indicated on the Chart, with information supplied by Mr. Ernest Axon, of Heaton Moor, Stockport. There are two other Lancashire families which call for notice.


The Victorian History* gives the following facts. Alice, the widow of Roger de Pemberton in 1349 granted two plots of land in Halewood to her son William and Margery his wife, with the remainder to their four sons, John, William, Henry and Roger. The third son, Henry, had come into possession by 1402, when he settled them on his son William and his heirs by Margery his wife. This Margery was the daughter of Simon de Hales, of Eccleston. By 1508 the property had come to a John de Pemberton, who sold it out of the family.


This Mr. Pemberton’s father was Mr. John Pemberton, a solicitor, of Liverpool, who had two sons and six daughters. Mr. George Taylor Pemberton, the elder son, was born in 1856, and in 1884 married at Mamaroneck, New York, Miss Isabella Taylor, by whom he had three sons. The eldest, Oswald, and the youngest, Vivian Telfer, were killed in the war. Capt. Alexander Lancaster Pemberton, R.G.A., the twin brother of Vivian, was born in 1894, and in 1919 married Miss Phyllis Evelyn Litchfield Steele. Mr. John Pemberton’s second son was Thomas, who died, apparently, unmarried. The daughters were Katharine, Florence, Agnes, Emily, Ada and Beatrice, of whom the second and third are deceased.

* Vol. III., p. 150.

Charts 6-8. Pembertons of Chester, Neston and Liverpool.

There were a great many Pembertons in Chester and the County in the 17th Century. Among others there was the Rev. John Pemberton, Minister of St. John the Baptist's Church, Chester, who died in 1658, and as we have already noticed, John Pemberton, the Apothecary (Chart 5) came from the same city. About this time there were two Henrys, married and having children who were baptized at Holy Trinity, Chester, one being a rope-maker and the other a baker. Chart 6 gives the descendants of the latter compiled from the Registers, and the Wills referred to on the Chart. Some of the Liverpool families are probably derived from Capt. Henry Pemberton, R.N. (No. 15).
Another branch of the family is found settled in Neston, Brimstage and the surrounding district early in the 18th Century, and the earliest member (Chart 7, 1) is said to have come from Chester. At present this family falls into three unconnected groups at Brimstage and Barnston, at Raby, and at Neston, but it is almost certain that William of Brimstage (No. 1) was a brother of Charles, of Raby (No. 2) and Joseph (No. 3), and that this Joseph was the ancestor of Joseph of Neston (No. 19) who in turn is probably the ancestor of Mr. Joseph Pemberton, who is living at The Mount, Neston, and is the father of six sons. The Chart is compiled from the Wills indicated and the Registers of Bromborough and Neston*. The former Registers are very imperfect, and a search in other likely quarters has failed to provide the missing link.
Chart 8 commences with a William Pemberton, "of Pear Tree House, Neston," and this is quite possibly No. 32 of Chart 7, but here again the Registers fail us. This family is at present represented by Mr. Jeffery F. Pemberton, of Huntington, and the Rev. John F. Pemberton, a C.M.S. Missionary at Meerut.
The Pembertons of Moreton, Cheshire, are given in Chart 37.

*From Mr. W. Fergusson-Irvine's MSS. of "Bidston Registers."


Northamptonshire Family.

Chart 9. Pembertons of Rushden and Higham Ferrers.

Chart 9. Pembertons of Rushden and Higham Ferrers, Northants.
This branch of the family of Pemberton appears to have been settled at Rushden, co. Northampton, as early as the second half of the 15th Century, as we find a Robert Pemberton, Esq., a sheriff for the Shire in Nov. 1480, and a Robert, probably the same, was elected "Knight of the Shire" in 1477.
The Visitation of Northampton in 1566 commences with a "William Pemberton of Somersayle in com. Lancester Esquire"* whose eldest son and heir was a Robert Pemberton, who doubtless was the one just referred to, and their descendants seem to have remained in that town, or Higham Ferrers, which was close to it (the two being now almost continuous), till at least the beginning of the 18th Century, the last male descendant of the above named William Pemberton who has been traced being a Thomas Pemberton of Higham Ferrers, who died in 1703 leaving issue, so far as known, one daughter only.
The most prominent men in the family appear to have been the Robert Pemberton (I.) above alluded to, who died in 1492, his grandson,† also a Robert (II.), who died in 1594, Sir Goddard Pemberton,§ a son of the last named Robert, who died I 1616, and Sir Goddard’s nephew Sir Lewis Pemberton¶ who died in 1640 or 1641.
That this family was closely connected with the branch that settled at St. Albans‡ in the 18th Century seems to admit of no doubt, but the exact connection between the two has not as yet been ascertained, nor the connection of either with the original family of Pemberton in Lancashire, but it may be descended from William III. In Chart 1**.

* Harl. MS. 1171, fo. 31B/33b.
Nos. 2 and 7.
§ No. 15. Sir Goddard died without issue, Sir Lewis was his nephew. The Dict. Of ?Nat. Biography (in article on Sir Francis Pemberton) is wrong in calling Sir Lewis his son, and in most of its genealogical statements.
¶ No. 22.
Cha: 10. [Ed. Note to 2014 Edition: This may be “Chs: 10”.]

Part III. St. Albans Family.

Chart 10. The Founders

Chart 11. The Bedfordshire Branch

Chart 12. The Peterborough Branch

Chart 13. The West Indian Branch

Chart 14. The Cambridge Branch (Part I.) Pembertons of Trumpington, Newton, Belchamp St. Paul (Essex), etc.

Chart 15. The Cambridge Branch (Part II.) Descendants of Dr. C. R. Pemberton by his first wife (continued from Chart 14, No. 41)

Chart 10. St. Albans Family. The Founders.
Pembertons are found in the earliest Registers of St. Albans Abbey (1558), but apparently had not long been settled there. The earliest member concerning whom there is no uncertainty is Roger (No. 2) who was born about 1556.

The information concerning the earlier generations is in great part derived from the Visitation of Herts, in 1634, and that of Northants. in 1681, the former being reproduced in various Harleian MSS.* with some variations. These two visitations differ in the material point of the name of the father of the above mentioned Roger. That of Herts, gives the name as “ Robert Pemberton of St. Albans," whose wife’s name was Katherine, while that of Northants. gives “ Jeffery Pemberton who “ came from Wiston in Lancashire and settled at St. Albans, being descended from the Pembertons of Pemberton Hall in com. Lancs.”

A Robert Pemberton had children baptised at St. Albans Abbey in 1563, 1565, and 1567, and died in 1578, and it is practically certain that he was the father of Roger. Jeffery was probably the grandfather, but no one of that name has been traced at Whiston. He may be the Geoffrey who graduated at Oxford in 1512,† and took his M.A. in 1516.
Roger was survived by his three sons, John, Robert and Ralph. (1) The descendants of John settled in Bedfordshire, but this branch (Chart 11) became extinct in the male line in 1799 on the death of the Rev. John Pemberton. His younger sister, however, married Thomas Butcher, and their son took the name of Pemberton on his mother’s death. The last known representative of this family was Mrs. Randle Jackson Pemberton, who was living at St. Budeaux, near Plymouth, in 1914, but has since moved, and it is not known if she is still alive.
The descendants of Robert Pemberton settled in Peterborough (Chart 12), whence, it is believed, one member emigrated to the West Indies (Chart 13). The Peterborough branch soon died out, but the West Indian one, to which the compiler belonged, has many living representatives.
The third son, Ralph, is the ancestor of the Cambridge branch (Charts 14, 15), who still live at Trumpington. For many years members of this family held the livings of Foxearth and Belchamp St. Paul, in Essex.
* 1504, 1234, 1547 and 1429. Also 1546 being the Visitation of Herts. in 1572, with additions made by R. Mundy in 1620. This confirms the Herts. Visitation as to the Father of Roger being Robert, adding "of . . . in com. Chester, came and lived at St. Albans."

† Foster's Al. Ox., Early Series.

Chart 11. St. Albans Family. Bedfordshire Branch.

The eldest-son of Roger Pemberton I., of St. Albans (Chart 10, No. 2) was John, a citizen of London, who seems to have followed the double callings of silkman and grocer. He married as his first wife Catherine Angell, and their son John settled at Wootton in Bedfordshire, and in that county his descendants remained until 1799, when the male line became extinct.

Robert, the brother of the younger John (No. 4) also had a family, but none of his sons are known to have married.

Chart 12. St. Albans Family. Peterborough Branch.

The second son of Roger Pemberton I., of St. Albans (Chart 10, No. 2) was Robert Pemberton II. (No. 8) who married Susan Glover. He was a Haberdasher of the City of London, and had two sons, Roger II. (Chart 12, No. 1), and Robert III. (No. 2). The elder son married and emigrated, apparently to the West Indies, but left no issue. Robert, the second son, was a barrister, and settled in Peterborough, where he was steward to the Dean and Chapter, in which office he was succeeded by his eldest son, Roger III. (No. 4), and his descendants remained in Peterborough until the third generation, when all trace of them is lost about 1754, but we give in connection with the next Chart reasons for supposing that Robert IV. (No. 5), the second son of Robert III. and Cecilia (Trevelyan) his wife, emigrated to the West Indies, and founded the West Indian branch of this family.

Chart 13. St. Albans Family. West Indian Branch.
A large branch of Pembertons was established in the Leeward Islands of Nevis and St. Christopher in the 17th Century, and some members are still there, while descendants of others, including the father of the compiler of these notes, migrated to the East Indies, and are to be found in various parts of the world to-day.
Hitherto no attempt appears to have been made to trace the history of this Branch, or its connection with any of the families which were in existence in England in the 17th Century.
The length of time which has elapsed since the first emigration, and the deplorable state of the Parish Registers of Nevis before the middle of the 18th Century, made the tracing of the pedigree extremely difficult, but it is considered that sufficient evidence has been collected to establish the descent of this branch from Robert Pemberton IV. of Peterborough* and so to Roger Pemberton I. of St. Albans. This Robert Pemberton’s grandfather (Robert II.),† was a Turkey merchant of the Parish of St. Mary-le-Bow, in the city of London, and he married Susan, daughter of Roger Glover, of Beaucote, co. Berks., and died in 1628.
The grounds on which this connection is based may be briefly summarised as follows:
(1) Before the year 1636 a brother of the above-named Susan Glover (grandmother of Robert IV.) was settled in Nevis, which makes it prima facie more probable that the Pemberton settlers of 50 years later were her descendants rather than those of any other branch of the family in England.
(2) The connection between the families of Glover and Pemberton appears to have been maintained on friendly terms at least until the year 1648, when Robert III..§ a son of Robert Pemberton II. and Susan his wife, was made a Trustee for a portion of the estate of John Glover, another brother of Susan.
(3) One line of the descendants of Robert Pemberton II. and Susan his wife can be clearly traced at Peterborough to Robert IV., their grandson, and his son Roger V.,¶ but no further, whilst the Nevis family begins with a Robert who had a son Roger. The dates are in all respects suitable to the theory that the first Robert and Roger of Nevis are identical with Robert IV. and Roger V. of Peterborough.
(4) The names Roger and Robert appear in every generation of the earlier descendants of Robert II. and Susan Pemberton in England, the eldest son being generally Roger, and the second Robert, and the same two names are of very frequent occurrence in the Nevis family, but not in any other branch of the family.
(5) The coat of arms and the crest used by the Nevis family are identical with those of the St. Albans and Peterborough family, without the quarterings. Taking these five points together, the conclusion arrived at seems practically certain.
* Chart 12, No. 5.
Chart 10. No. 8, and Chart 12.
§ Chart 12, No. 2.
¶ Chart 12, No. 19.

Chart 14. Cambridge Branch (Part 1).
The third son of Roger Pemberton I. of St. Albans (Chart 10, No. 2) was Ralph, whose eldest son, Sir Francis Pemberton, Chief Justice of Common Pleas (1682), purchased the Trumpington Estate near Cambridge, where His descendants have lived ever since. The last male descendant to own Trumpington was Colonel Francis Charles James Pemberton (No. 60), who died in 1849, and left an only daughter, then Mrs. Campbell (No. 88), a widow with two sons and a daughter. By the terms of Colonel Pemberton’s will the owner of Trumpington is obliged to assume the name and arms of Pemberton. Mrs. Campbell subsequently married Mr. Henry Williams Hodgson, and on the death of her mother in 1869 succeeded to the property, and with her husband assumed the name and arms of Pemberton, by Royal Licence. Mrs. Pemberton died in 1899, and her husband in 1900, and the heiress was Mrs. Pemberton’s daughter by her first husband, Patience Frances Sophia (Campbell) (No. 123), the wife of Canon Hudson, Rector of East Gilling, Yorkshire, and she and her husband consequently also assumed the name and arms of Pemberton. Canon Pemberton has recently died (1921), and as his only son was killed in the war, his only daughter, Mrs. Wingate (No. 154) is the heiress.
After Sir Francis Pemberton, the most famous member of this branch of the family is probably Dr. Christopher Robert Pemberton (No. 41), Physician Extraordinary to King George IV. He was twice married, and the descendants of his first wife are given separately in the next Chart (15). Those of the second wife settled at Newton, Cambridgeshire. Another line, descended from Ralph Pemberton (No. 2), brother of Sir Francis, was closely associated with the livings of Belchamp St. Paul and Foxearth, in Essex, which were held by successive members of the family for over 150 years from 1702.

Chart 15. Cambridge Branch (Part 2).
DESCENDANTS of DR. C. R. PEMBERTON (Chart 14, No. 41) by his FIRST WIFE.
Until quite recently, it was not known that Dr. Christopher Robert Pemberton was twice married. Most of the particulars on this Chart had been obtained, tracing back to Lt.-Gen. George Richard Pemberton (No. 69) in one case, and to Captain Henry Charles Pemberton (No. 70) in another, but no connection could be discovered between these two, or between either of them and any other branch of the family. However a note at the India Office revealed that George Richard was the son of Dr. C. R. Pemberton, and that he was baptised at Marylebone Church, and the Registers of that Church were found to contain the entry as follows: “Dec. 6, 1790. George Richard Pemberton, son of Christopher Robert and Sarah, born 11th July.” From other sources it was found that George Richard had a brother “Henry,” and as Captain Henry Charles Pemberton was born in 1791, the year after George Richard, it has been assumed with some confidence that “Henry Charles” is George Richard’s brother “Henry.” Correspondence with various members of the two families has supplied many details.

Part IV.

Shropshire Family.

Chart 16. Pembertons of Wrockwardine, Leighton, Orleton, Millichope, etc.

Chart 16. Shropshire Family. Pembertons of Wrockwardine, etc.
This Chart is based mainly on two MS. Charts kindly lent by Mr. Busick E. Pemberton,* supplemented by Registers and Wills. The first chart is from the “Morris MSS.” in the possession of R. A. Eyton, Esq., of Walford Hall, 1543-1848, and the second from the “Newling MSS.” in the Salt Library, Stafford.
The family commences with Henry Pemberton of Uppington, who died in 1543-4. He was undoubtedly descended from the Lancashire family, where there were many Henrys about this time, but the connection has not been traced.
Henry’s son Robert (No. 2) settled at Aston-under-Wrekin, where his descendants are found for four generations. Robert’s great grandson, John (No. 13), moved to Wrockwardine, where the family remained as long as they retained the name of Pemberton. Edward Pemberton VII. (No. 77) married Martha, daughter of William Cludde, of Orleton, and his son on inheriting the Orleton estate took the name of Cludde. This property passed by marriage into the Herbert family. Robert Pemberton VI. (No. 78), brother of Edward Pemberton VII., received the Millichope Estate under the Will of Mrs. Catherine More, some time after 1769, and it passed in due course to his only grandson, Rev. Robert Norgrove Pemberton (No. 110), Rector of Church Stretton, who, dying without issue, left Millichope to his cousin, Charles Orlando Childe (No. 112), who added the name of Pemberton to that of Childe, and became Mr. Childe-Pemberton. His son, Major Charles Baldwyn Childe-Pemberton, sold the estate and dropped the name of Pemberton in 1884. Another case of change of name is that of Edward William Smythe Pemberton, of Condover (No. 106), who took the name of Owen instead of Pemberton on inheriting Condover from his mother’s brother, Nicholas Owen Smythe Owen in 1814. Meanwhile another branch of the family, descended from Roger Pemberton II. (No. 14), the brother of the John who built the house at Wrockwardine, settled at “Leaton,” but the later representa­tives of this line seem to have scattered far and wide, and have not been traced.

* Chart 35, No. 23.

Part V.

Birmingham Families.

Chart 17. The Founders.

Chart 18. Descendants of Roger Pemberton, Goldsmith, and William Pemberton (continued from Chart 17, Nos. 8 and 11).

Chart 19. Descendants of Richard Pemberton, of Bordesley (from Chart 17, No. 10).

Chart 20. Pembertons of Deritend and Worcester.

Chart 21. Pembertons of (a) Curdworth and Sutton Coldfield, (b) Solihull, and (c) Fillongley, etc.

Chart 22. Descendants of Nathaniel Pemberton (from Chart 18, No. 11).

Chart 23. “Thomas Pemberton and Sons.”

Chart 24. Pembertons of Whitwick, co. Leicester.

Chart 25. Family of Mr. Max Pemberton.

Charts 17—25. The Birmingham Families.
All the Pemberton families of Birmingham itself, with one exception, are descended from Roger Pemberton, who was Mayor of Walsall in 1509, and who, in tum, could probably trace his descent from one, Thurstan de Pemberton, who married Emma de Winstanley, at Lichfield in 1417. This Thurstan may be the son of Richard Pemberton, of Pemberton (Chart 2, No. 5), who was living at that time, but the identity cannot be proved at present, though there can be little doubt that these Pembertons came of the original Lancashire stock. Other Pembertons are found in the neighbourhood of Birmingham, as may be seen in Chart 21, and these were probably connected with the Walsall group. The origin of the Leicestershire groups (Chart 24) is as yet unsolved. Roger Pemberton, of Walsall (No. 1) had two sons, Thomas (No. 4) and Humphrey (No. 5), of whom Thomas moved to Bordesley and Humphrey to Birmingham. Thomas had seven sons, three of whom left no descendants. The remaining four are Roger, Richard, William, and Abraham Nos. 8, 10, 11 and 13), and it is with the descendants of these that the first ensuing charts deal. William’s family soon died out (Chart 18). Roger, a goldsmith, had only one married son (Chart 18, No. 2), but three of his grandsons, John III. (Chart 18, No. 8), Thomas VI (No. 9), and Nathaniel II. No. 11), became heads of important branches of the family. John and his son were well-known, the latter living at No. 2 The Square. Thomas and his descendants were noted as ironmongers, goldsmiths, and quakers. One of them, John V. (No. 21), lived at No. 1 The Square,* (which he was largely instrumental in building), and later in Bennett’s Hill. He was the first of the family to marry a Lloyd. This family, as well as that of his cousin John, is now extinct, so far as the male line is concerned. Nathaniel, the third grandson of Roger the goldsmith (No. 11), was a cutler, from whom descended the jewellers and toymakers of Snow Hill and Five Ways (Chart 22). This family has many living representatives, all descended from Thomas Pemberton XVI., of Five Ways (Chart 22, No. 24), through his two sons, Samuel VII. (No. 34), and Thomas Hooke Pemberton (No. 35), ironmasters, of Smestow and Sedgeley.
We return now to Richard, the third son of Thomas of Bordesley (Chart 17, No. 10). He was a mercer of Bordesley, but most of his descendants lived in Deritend, one member, James II. (Chart 19, No. 18) possibly moving to Handsworth. Besides the known descendants, there were numerous other Pembertons in Deritend, who were probably also of the same family. Further, there was the family of Abraham Pemberton, of Deritend, sheathmaker (Chart 20), and it is quite possible that the first Abraham of this line was the son of Richard I. of Bordesley, who was baptised at St. Martin’s, Birmingham, in 1597, but whose Christian name is illegible (see Chart 19, No. 5). The Pembertons of Curdworth and Sutton Coldfield also seem closely connected with this family, but no proof of this has yet been obtained (Chart 21).
We said above that all the Pemberton families in Birmingham, with one exception were descended from Roger of Walsall. The exception is the best known family of all, that of “Thomas Pemberton and Sons,” the famous brass founders, which included Charles Reece Pemberton, the “Wanderer” and Dramatist, and Dr. Oliver Pemberton, the famous Surgeon and City Coroner. This family almost certainly came from Leicester, and the reasons for this conclusion will be given in the note to Chart 23, and a Leicester Chart is added (Chart 24) to help towards the further investigation of a problem which is as yet not quite solved. The family of Mr. Max Pemberton occupies Chart 25. The compiler and editor of these notes have received the greatest assistance from Mr. A. Weight Matthews, of Herne Bay, and Mr. P. W. L. Adams, of Woore Manor, Crewe (both members of this family), in connection with the work on this branch.
* See Jos. Hill's “Memorials of the Old Square.”

Chart 21. Pembertons of Curdworth and Sutton Coldfield.
Some Star Chamber Proceedings* and the Subsidy Rolls show that there was an Abraham Pemberton at Sutton Coldfield in 1601-2 and 1610, but the Parish Registers render no assistance in identifying him, or connecting him with the Abrahams who followed him there for the next 100 years. An Abraham (No. 2) was married to Jane Crisp at Tatenhill, near Burton-on-Trent, in 1594, and had a son, William, baptised there in 1596, and a daughter in 1618 (Nos. 6 and 7), and it is tempting to think that he moved to Sutton Coldfield, and was the father of tne Abraham who died in 1680 (No. 5). On the other hand the founder of this branch may be Abraham, the son of Thomas Pemberton of Bordesley (Chart 17, No. 13), who was born about 1563, but all this is conjecture. Again, Abraham, of Sutton Coldfield (No. 5), may have been a son of “Old Edward” of Curdworth (No. 1). There was probably a close connection between the Pembertons of Sutton Coldfield and Curdworth, as most of the baptisms, marriages, and burials of the former family were at the latter place, though this is partly accounted for by the fact that Greaves, where Abraham lived, was in Sutton Parish, but much nearer Curdworth Church. Abraham (No. 5) was Warden of the Sutton Corporation, and Churchwarden in 1657.
We have added the Solihull and Fillongley Pembertons, who were probably connected with each other, as they, with those at Rowington, were among the earliest in the district. The Charts are compiled from the Registers of Curdworth, Sutton Coldfield, Solihull and Fillongley, and the Wills referred to on the Charts. The Rector of Curdworth, the Rev. L. Mitchell, kindly supplied a complete list of Pemberton entries from his Registers, and the Sutton Registers were searched by Mr. J. B. Bickley, of Birmingham.‡
It is possible, and even probable, that William (No. 6), son of Abraham, of Tatenhill, was the ancestor of a large group of Pembertons in Derbyshire and Leicestershire† and so of “Thomas Pemberton and sons,” of Birmingham.§
* 44 Eliz. Holden v. Pemberton.
The following legal proceedings concern this family :—
     1601-2. 44 Eliz. Star Chamber Proc. Abraham P. of S.C. Yeoman, Def.
    1681. 33 Car. II, F. of F. Abraham P. and Frances his wife (No. 18) Def.
    1693. 6 Will. and Mary. F. of F. Abraham P. and Frances his wife (No. 18).
    1716. 2 Geo. I. F. of F. Abraham and Henry P. (Nos. 18 and 22) Def.
       and possibly 1733. 6/7 Geo. II. F. of F. Edward and Hannah P. (? No. 11) Def.
See Chart 24.
§ Chart 23.

Chart 23. “Thomas Pemberton and Sons,”
Brassfounders, of Livery Street.

We come now to the last branch of the Birmingham Pembertons, best described under the title of “Thomas Pemberton and Sons,” for it includes the members of that well-known firm of brassfounders, as well as Charles Reece Pemberton and Dr. Oliver Pemberton.
The connection of this branch with the others dealt with in the previous sections has not been traced. The Compiler of these Charts had considerable correspondence with the late Mr. Thomas Edgar Pemberton,† and with Mr. A. W. Matthews§ who, together with his wife, is a descendant of Josiah Pemberton,‡ but no one could give any information earlier than the Thomas who heads this Chart (No. 1). It was generally believed that he was connected with the Deritend family, where alone, at that time, the name Josiah was known to occur. Further, an article 111 the “Birmingham Weekly Post” dealing with this family, stated that “an Abraham Pemberton held messuages and premises in what is now Livery Street, in 1703,” implying that the property of the firm had descended from this Abraham, who was assumed to be one of the Deritend family. Recently, however, the Editor got into correspondence with Mr. P. W. L. Adams, F.S.A., of Woore Manor, Salop, a descendant of Thomas Pemberton,* and he first suggested that this family came from Leicester. Further investigations instituted by Mr. Adams practically prove this to be the case.
A Thomas Pemberton, brazier, of Leicester, was made a Freeman of that town “as a Stranger” in 1755, and died in 1766, aged 59. That is to say he was born about 1707. He was the son of William Pemberton, brazier, of Whitwick, co. Leics.,** but though the baptisms of many children of this William and his wife Mary are recorded at Whitwick, that of Thomas is not among them, but that William had a son Thomas is shown by his will, which was proved at Leicester in 1724. The will of Thomas was also proved at Leicester, in 1766. In it he mentions sons Thomas, Joseph, William and John, besides his wife Ann, and two married daughters. The sons Joseph and William were both apprenticed to their father, and both received the Freedom of Leicester in 1767, as did William, James and Samuel, sons of William, and Josiah the son of Joseph, at later dates. Now Joseph and William and their sons certainly migrated to Birmingham, but concerning the eldest son Thomas there is complete silence, but it is almost certain that he is the Thomas (No. 1) with whom we are now dealing.
The father, as we have seen, was born about 1707, and may be assumed to have married about 1728-30. Our Thomas died in 1809 at the age of 78, and therefore was born about 1731, but again the baptism cannot be found, though two entries at Whitwick in 1737 and 1740 probably refer to his sister Sarah and brother William (Chart 24, Nos. 24 and 22).
As to the Thomas, of Birmingham, the editor is indebted to some MS. notes by Mr. Samuel Grew (a great-grandson),*** kindly lent by Mr. Matthews, for the following particulars, which support the contention that he “ came to Birmingham ” and was not born there. He was well educated, going to a Public School, and a University,†† “but having spent his all in riotous living came to Birmingham, where he fell in love with a virtuous servant-girl.” This was Martha Hodgetts. She, however, declined to marry him unless he learned a trade and earned his living, so for three years he worked as a copper-smith, and in 1761 they were married at St. Martin’s Church, but after the marriage Thomas “swore he would do no more work, and kept his word.” There were nine chil­dren, and poor Martha had a hard time. However, Thomas does seem to have worked after all, for on his death he is described§§ as “Brazier, of Livery Street,” a business which developed under his energetic son into the great brass foundry.
The Chart itself is believed to be complete, with the exception of the descendants of William Pemberton (No. 2). Little is known of his son Richard Reece, and nothing of his grandson Edward Dobson. It is possible that both had descendants. Another doubtful point is the marriage of Mr. James Turner, the button-maker. He certainly married a Miss Anna Pemberton.‡‡ This is probably Ann Maria (No. 19) daughter of Thomas Pemberton II.
Mr. Max Pemberton claims to belong to this family, but up to the present time the connection has not been traced. His grandfather, Charles, was bom in 1811, and from 1839 at least lived in Liverpool, where he became an eminent solicitor. His baptism has been searched for in every possible Register in Birmingham and Liverpool, without success. Charles may have been the son of James, the nephew of Thomas Pemberton I. and Martha (Hodgetts), who left “a large family,” but only five of their baptisms can be found.
To the same James may probably be traced the ancestors of the Rev. Bertram Harold Pemberton, of Brighton, whose father was Joseph Pemberton, of Birmingham, and “a cousin” of Dr. Oliver Pemberton, and also those of Mr. Samuel Thomas Pemberton, Engineer, of Knowle and Birmingham. This Mr. Pemberton’s great-grandfather was John Pemberton, Ironfounder, of Wednesbury, and later of Deptford, who married Martha Clifton, of Burnley, Lancs., by whom he had four sons, William, Samuel, John and Joseph, and one daughter Mary. All the sons were Ironfounders, and the three youngest were married. Samuel had a son Samuel Joseph, who is an Engineer in London and is the father of the above mentioned Samuel Thomas Pemberton. He also had five other sons, Alfred Ernest, an Engineer, Horace, a Surveyor, who was killed in 1916, Percy and Sidney, Engineers, and Leonard, killed in 1916; and four daughters, Charlotte, Florence, Ada and Rose, all being married except the youngest son and the second daughter. Mr. S. T. Pemberton has one son, Roland Turner, and one daughter Hilda Helen, now Mrs. Leonard Ernest Watson.

No. 57.
§ No. 46.
‡ No. 5.
¶ Jan 14,1899, on “An Old Birmingham Family.”
* A descendant of Andrew Jukes Worthington. No. 41.
** Chart 24, No. 5.
*** Son of No. 28
†† Mr. Grew says Rugby and Oxford, but his name cannot be found in the Registers.
§§ Birmingham Gazette.
‡‡ M. I. At Florence to Sophia (Turner) wid. Of Comm. Egisto Chiavacci (b. at Birmingham 24 Aug 1827, d. 19 Aug 1909) daughter of James Turner and Anna Pemberton (original in Italian) supplied by Mr. Matthews.

Chart 24. Pembertons of Leicestershire.

A large number of Pembertons are found settled by the 16th and 17th Centuries in Leicestershire and the adjoining portions of Derbyshire and Warwickshire, families being found at Overseale and Netherseale, Blackfordby, Hartshorn, Twycross, Loughborough, Nuneaton, and Tamworth, as well as at Whitwick, with which we are especially concerned. A Henry Pemberton, Vicar of Castle Donington, left a Will dated 1519, in which he mentions a Martin Pemberton, who is probably Martin, of Walsall (Chart 14, No. 13). A John Pemberton died at Seale in 1579, and his descendants lived there and at Blackfordby and Hartshorn for the next hundred years.

At Twycross a William Pemberton was Churchwarden in 1622, and had two sons, William baptised in 1621, and John baptised in 1625. Of John’s descendants some remained at Twycross, others moved to Bulkington, Ratcliffe Culey, and Nuneaton. The father is probably the William Pemberton who married Joan Pickard at Tamworth in 1613. His son William does not appear again at Twycross, but most probably settled in Whitwick and became the founder of the family from which “Thomas Pemberton and Sons” is derived. This is probable, but is not certain. The names in the Leicestershire families correspond very closely to those of the Sutton Coldfield and Curdworth families (Chart 21), and it is probable they had a common origin, and if Abraham of Tatenhill* is the ancestor of the Sutton Coldfield branch it is tempting to think that his son William may have been William of Twycross.†

Be this as it may, there was a William Pemberton at Whitwick whose wife Anne died there in 1694, leaving a large family. His son William and grandson Thomas were braziers, the latter moving to Leicester, where he was made a Freeman in 1755. This Thomas is undoubtedly the ancestor of the braziers, and brass-founders of Birmingham.

The Chart is compiled from Registers and Wills.

* Chart 21, No. 2.

† Chart 21, No. 6.

Part VI


Chart 26. Pembertons of Philadelphia.

Chart 27. Pembertons of Boston (Part 1).

Chart 28. Pembertons of Boston (Part 2), (continued from Chart 27).

Chart 26. Pembertons of Philadelphia.

This branch commences with William Pemberton, of Aspull, Lancashire, who died in 1642, and whose children were baptised at Wigan. Of these children, Ralph, the only son, married Margaret daughter of Thomas Seddon, of Warrington, in 1648, and had two sons, of whom Joseph, the younger, died young. Phineas, the elder son, married Phoebe daughter of James Harrison, a shoemaker, and a Minister of the Society of Friends, and himself joined that Society. James Harrison was an intimate friend of William Penn, and at first acted as his agent in England, but in 1681 he was appointed his agent in America, and he was accompanied thither in 1682 by Phineas Pemberton and his family, including his father, Ralph.

The information on the Chart is derived chiefly from printed sources, but also from correspondence with the late Mr. Henry Pemberton (No. 51), who died in 1910, at the age of 84, and from the Registers of Wigan, and of the Society of Friends.

The authorities referred to are “The Annual Register," Vol. 51. Titcomb’s "Early New England People," Comly’s “The Friends’ Miscellany," Gilpin’s "Exiles in Virginia,” “Life and Travels of John Pemberton” (Friends Library, Vol. 6), Watson’s “Annals of Philadelphia," a pamphlet by Mrs. Babcock, a Memorandum by Mr. Henry Pemberton, and "Genealogical Notes relating to the Lloyd, Pemberton, and other families” from original MSS. of James Pemberton Parke, and Townsend Ward. The suggestion made in the "New England Historical and Genealogical Register,” Vol. 46, that Ralph, father of Phineas, may have been “the second son of Ralph and Frances Pemberton,* parents of the future Judge, etc.," is quite impossible, and he was certainly the son of William of Aspull.

Mr. Henry Pemberton, senior, died in 1910, and his son in 1913, but the widow of the latter has lately been in England, and with her help the Chart has been brought up to date. From a seal in her possession, which belonged to William Pemberton of Aspull (No. l), it seems that in the crest of this branch the dragon’s head is not erect, but facing dexter, as in the case of the Leigh Pembertons.

* See Chart 14, No. 2.

Charts 27 and 28. Pembertons of Boston.

Practically all the information in this Chart has been obtained from the “New England Historical and Genealogical Register,” Vol. 46 (1892), but Miss Titcomb’s “Early New England People” contains a letter written by a James Pemberton, of Boston* to Israel Pemberton of Philadelphia† in 1703, and also one from Thomas Pemberton, of Boston (No 52), the Antiquary, to James Pemberton of Philadelphia (Chart 26, No. 22), which latter gives many details concerning the ancestors of Thomas. This family commences with James Pemberton, who is said to have emigrated from Wales about 1650. His brother John, who also emigrated, returned to England. The descendants of the Rev. Ebenezer Pemberton (No. 13) are given in Chart 28. It has not been found possible to bring the Chart up to date, as there has been no communication with any of the members of this family.

* Miss Titcomb thinks this was James IV. (No. 18) but the compiler of this Chart thinks it was James II. (No. 5).

Certainly Israel 1. (Chart 26. No. 9) the son of Phineas, the emigrant.

Part VII


Chart 29. Pembertons of Stanhope, Aislaby, Bainbridge Holme, The Barnes, etc.

Chart 29. Durham. Pembertons of Stanhope,
Aislaby, Bainbridge Holme, The Barnes, etc.

At present no connection has been traced between this branch of the family and any of the other branches. For some time it was considered that the different arms indicated a distinct origin, but from what has been said in the Introduction,* it will be seen that the arms of the Durham family very closely resemble those borne in the 2nd and 3rd quarters by several other branches, notably the Northamptonshire family (Chart 9), and the St. Albans family (Charts 10, 11, 12). If, as we surmise, the quarterings were originally borne by William of Somershall who heads the Northamptonshire Chart, this would point to a Lancashire origin for the Durham family as well, and considering the predominance of the name John we would suggest John Pemberton II. (Chart 1, No. 19) as a possible ancestor.

The present head of the family is Mr. John S. G. Pemberton, formerly M. P. for Sunderland.

The principal authorities consulted in compiling the Chart are:—

1. Harleian MSS., 1168 fo. 25b, containing the Visitation of Durham in 1575, and 1153 fo. 33ff, 1540 fo. 83b and 84, and 1397 fo. 222b, containing the Visitation of 1615.

2. Surtees’ “History of Durham,” in 4 Vols., with Pedigrees of Pemberton in Vols. 1 and 3.

3. J. Burke’s Commoners,” Vol. 2, pp. 70-78 and 684 (Ed. 1836).

4. J. B. Burke’s “Landed Gentry” (Ed., 1900) which commences with John Pemberton, of Stanhope (No. 1). Later editions omit all the names on the Chart before John Pemberton of Hilton (No. 33). There is possibly a slight uncertainty concerning the parentage of this John, but the fact that the family still quarter the Hindmarsh† arms seems to connect them definitely with Richard Pemberton (No. 7), who married Alice Hindmarsh, and so with John of Stanhope.

* p. xiii. above
† In 2nd quarter. “Gules, on a mound a hind lodged all proper.”

Part VIII.

Ireland and Canada

CHART 30. Descendants of John Pemberton, of Ormskirk, co. Lancs.

CHART 31. Descendants of Joseph Pemberton of Dublin.

CHART 32. Descendants of Rev. Arthur Gore Pemberton (continued from Chart 31).

CHART 33. Descendants of Benjamin Pemberton, of Raheny.

Charts 30—33. Ireland and Canada.

At least three groups of Pembertons have been found in Ireland, but the exact connection between them has not been traced. It seems highly probable, however, that the second and third are derived from the first. These groups are

1. Descendants of John Pemberton, of Ormskirk, co. Lancs., and co. Carlow, Ireland (Chart 30). This family, or part of it, merged into that of Pemberton-Pigott.

2. Descendants of Joseph Pemberton, cutler, of Dublin, many of whom emigrated and settled in British Columbia (Charts 31-32).

3. Descendants of Benjamin Pemberton, “Bricklayer,” of Raheny, co. Dublin, many of whom also emigrated, and settled in Quebec, Montreal, Toronto, Kingston and other parts of Canada (Chart 33).

It will be seen from the Charts that the last two families have many living representatives, and several of these have given much personal assistance in the compilation.

Part IX.


CHART 34. Family of Sir James Pemberton, Lord Mayor (1612).

CHART 35. Family of Thomas Pemberton, of Gough House, Chelsea.

Chart 34. London. Sir James Pemberton, Lord Mayor.

Sir James was born at Wrightington in the Parish of Eccleston, Lancashire. His arms show a crescent for difference, indicating that he was the second son, so probably Sir John (No. 3) was the eldest of the family.

The future Sir James came to London some time before 1581, and lived at “The black Spread Eagle in West Cheap.” He was Sheriff in 1602-3, and consequently at the Accession of King James I., by whom he was knighted. Nine years later he became Lord Mayor.

Besides this family and that of Gough House, given in the next Chart, there were several Pemberton families in London, from the 15th Century onwards. Of these the three principal ones were:

(1) Family of Hugh Pemberton, Merchant Taylor, who lived in the Parish of St. Martin, Outwich. He died in 1500, and a monument to him and his wife Katherine (Rypon) who died 1508, was erected in St. Martin’s Church, and on the demolition of that Church in 1874 was removed to St. Helen’s, Bishopsgate. Hugh was Sheriff in 1490. He had a brother, Robert, a clerk at Wells Cathedral, and probably the Rev. John Pemberton, Rector of St. Mary’s, Whitechapel, 1502, was another brother. Hugh had four sons, Thomas, Sir Robot, Knight of Rhodes, Rowland and Matthew (d. 1517). The last named was the only one to marry; his wife’s name was Mary, and she subsequently married William Whaddam. Matthew had two sons, William (b. 1513), and Thomas (b. 1517), and a daughter, Katherine, and owned land in Eltham, Kent. A Thomas, probably his son, also owned land there in 1552, so there is probably a connection between this family and that of Eltham (Chart 36).

(2) The family of John Pemberton, citizen and stationer of Fleet Street (d. 1739), who had four sons and a daughter by his wife Rebecca (d. 1748). The two elder sons, John and Henry, carried on their father’s business. The names of the two younger were George and Thomas, but nothing is known of them.

(3) The family of Dr. Henry Pemberton, F.R S. (b 1694, d. 1771). His grandfather married Jane Angier of Reading, whose Will is dated 1698. She left three sons, Edward, John and William, and a daughter Elizabeth, who married Luke Wise. Edward was a citizen and fruiterer of London, and he and his wife Elizabeth had three sons, John, Henry and Edward, and two daughters. The elder son, John, was also a fruiterer. Dr. Henry was a very famous surgeon and Professor of Physics at Gresham College. Nothing is known of the third son, Edward, or of the two sons (John and Edward) of his Uncle William.

Chart 35. London. Descendants of Thomas
Pemberton, of Gough House, Chelsea.

Up to the present it has not been found possible to connect this family with any other, in spite of diligent search on the part of many of its members, who include the well-known solicitors of the firm, “Lee and Pemberton,” from whom much assistance has been received in compiling this Chart. Until 1897 the family used the ordinary Pemberton arms, but as the authority could not be traced a new grant was made in that year and registered at the College of Arms, the new arms being those given on the Chart. Some facts seem to point to an East Indian and others to a West Indian connection.

In the former direction there is the friendship of Thomas Pemberton (No. 1) with Sir Busick Harwood, after whom he named his second son, and who was at one time an Assistant-Surgeon on the Bengal Establishment, while Thomas himself was employed under the H.E.I.C., in the Transfer Office at the East India House in London.

Pointing in the direction of the West Indies is the fact that Thomas' eldest son emigrated before 1789, and settled at St. Kitts, which suggests that he may have been connected with the Pembertons already settled there.*

*See Chart 13.

Part X.


CHART 36. Pembertons of Eltham and Charlton, Kent.

CHART 37. William Pemberton, B.D., Rector of High Ongar, Essex,
and Pembertons of Moreton, Cheshire.

CHART 38. Pembertons of Rendlesham and Bredfield, Suffolk.

CHART 39. Rev. Joseph Hardwick Pemberton, Havering-atte-Bower,

CHART 40. ffrench Pembertons, of New Zealand.

Chart 36. Kent. Pembertons of Eltham
and Charlton.

Several Pembertons lived or owned land in Eltham in the 15th and 16th Centuries. These included (1) James, “Garcio of the King’s Chamber,” and Keeper of both the old and new (1481) Park*; (2) Richard Pemberton and Elizabeth his wife, and Peter Pemberton and Elizabeth his wife (1481 and 1493),† and the family of Richard; and (3) Thomas Pemberton in 1552. In the note on Chart 34 we saw that Hugh Pemberton, Merchant Taylor, of London, who died in 1500, married Katharine Rypon, who was almost certainly the daughter of Robert Rypon, of Eltham. Their son, Matthew, owned land in Eltham,§ and the above mentioned Thomas is almost certainly the son of Matthew, born in 1517. The other Eltham Pembertons probably belonged to the same family.

At Charlton the Rev. John Pemberton was instituted as Rector in 1626, and suffered for his opinions in the stormy years that followed. At the same time there lived at Charlton a Thomas Pemberton, probably a brother of the Rector.

In 1629 “William Pemberton, of St. Olave’s, .Southwark, son of Miles Pemberton, of Moreton, Cheshire,” mortgaged some property to ‘‘John Pemberton, of Charlton, Clerk.”‡ This points to a connection between the Charlton family and that of Moreton, which we deal with in the next Chart (37). The Miles, mentioned above, is almost certainly the brother of William, Parson of High Ongar, Essex, and there were two younger brothers, Thomas and John, both under 16 in 1592, when their father died. It is therefore more than probable that these two are the Thomas and John of Charlton. It is true that a “John Pemberton, of Moreton” died at Moreton in 1647, and that administration was granted to his widow and “Thomas Pemberton of Moreton, husbandman,” but these two may have been the sons of Miles (Chart 37, Nos 13, 14). On the other hand Miles' sons may have been the Thomas and John of Charlton. The Charlton Registers also contain the marriage of “Matthie” Pemberton, of Coggeshall, Essex (see Chart 38, No. 3) to Anne Emmerson of Ipswich, widow, in October 1633, and this again suggests a connection between the Rector of Charlton and the family of William Pemberton of Rendlesham, Suffolk, to which Matthie belonged.

* Hasted's "Kent,” pp. 177 and 279.

Hasted’s “Kent,” p. 208.

§ Will dated 1515.

Close Rolls, 5 Car. I., Part 35, No. 2, This William was a citizen and brewer of Lambeth, whose Will was proved in P.C.C. in 1657.

¶ W. Fergusson Irvine’s MS., “Bidston Registers”

Chart 37. Rev. William Pemberton, D.D.,
Rector of High Ongar, co. Essex.

According to the Funeral Certificate, this William was the “2nd son of Henry Pemberton of Merton (Moreton) co. Chester,” and the Will of his father* supplies a few details concerning that family. The Arms, it will be noticed, are the same as the Northants family (Chart 9), and others which combine the buckets and the griffins’ heads. We have already noticed (Chart 36) the probable connection of the Charlton family with that of Moreton, and consequently with William of Ongar. This William was instituted as Rector of High Ongar in 1611, and in the following year married Mary, daughter of Sir Edward Cope, of Bury St. Edmunds. She died in 1621 and William in 1622, at the age of 45. Foster† assigns to this William several particulars which really belong to William of Rendlesham (Chart 38, No. 1), with whom he wrongly identifies him, e.g., William of Ongar was not born until 1577 (being 35 at the time of his marriage in 1612), but Foster makes him a B.A. of Pembroke College, Cambridge in 1572. William of Rendlesham died in 1598, and William of Ongar in 1622. The only items that refer to William of Ongar in Foster’s list are that he was Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge, in 1600, and unduly elected Master of the same College in 1610.

There had been Pembertons at Moreton since at least 1535, when two were tenants of lands belonging to Birkenhead Monastery,§ but in only two cases besides the family of William of High Ongar has it been possible to connect the individuals mentioned. There is (1) Arthur Pemberton (d. 1629) who married Margery Hancock (d. cir. 1660), and had sons Richard and Robert and a daughter, and (2) Robert Pemberton (d. 1632) who married Ellen Urmston, and had sons Edward and Miles, a daughter, and a grandson Robert, son of Edward.‡

Turning to the family of William, Parson of High Ongar, we have already seen|| that his father, Henry, had four sons, Miles, William, Thomas and John, and also that a Miles was the father of William Pemberton of St. Olave’s, Southwark, who in 1629 mortgaged property to John Pemberton, Rector of Charlton. We have to decide whether this was Miles, son of Robert (No. 26), or the son of Henry (No. 5), or another. Now a William Irbie, of Moreton, in his Will of 1618‡ mentions amongst others “Miles, my son-in-law, and his two youngest children Thomas and John” and also a William, Henry, Robert, and John Pemberton. Miles and Ellen his wife were executors. This shows that Miles had elder children. Then William, of Southwark (afterwards of Lambeth), brewer, left a Will in 1657¶ which shows that his wife had been buried at Lambeth, and his mother and grandfather in Bidston Church (Moreton being a hamlet in the Parish of Bidston). He mentions a brother Henry and sisters Isabel, Jane, Anne and Ellen, and cousins Robert Pemberton and Thomas Gill. If we add the names of Miles’ “two youngest children” mentioned above, we find his sons are William, Henry, Thomas and John, which are exactly the names of the father and brothers of Miles (No. 5) the brother of William of Ongar, whilst Jane was the name of his mother and Ellen of his wife, though of course the latter point proves nothing. It is true that a child of the other Miles (No. 26) would have had a cousin Robert and a cousin Gill (No. 25) but a Katherine Pemberton, probably the aunt of William (No. 7), also married Richard Gill in 1605. The two families were probably closely connected. The coincidence of names given above is too weighty to be ignored, and we have based the chart on the assumption that William, of Lambeth, belonged to the family of William of High Ongar.

* Mr. Fergusson-Irvine’s MS. book, “Bidston Registers.”

AL Ox., Early Series, Vol. 3, and Wood’s Fasti 122, p. 219.

§ Irvine’s MS. “ Bidston Registers,” kindly lent to the compiler.

From Wills given in Irvine’s “Bidston Registers.”

|| Note on Chart 36.

¶ Proved in P.C.C.

Chart 38. Pembertons of Rendlesham and
Bredfield, Suffolk.

This group of families in Suffolk present some difficulty as to their mutual relationship. The information, up to the present, is derived almost entirely from Wills, and probably a search of the Registers would clear up many points.

The first Will is that of WILLIAM PEMBERTON, B.D., of Rendlesham, dated 22nd Oct., 1598.*

In it he mentions his wife ELIZABETH; and sons, RICHARD, “ MATTHIE,”† Joseph, Benjamin and Paul, and daughters Scholastica and Anne, all the children being minors.

Now we have further Wills between 1625 and 1650 of a Richard, Matthias, Joseph and Paul Pemberton, who were brothers of each other and had a brother Benjamin (who had died before any of them) and two sisters, the name of one being Anne. The name of the other sister is not given, but that it was Scholastica is rendered most probable by the fact that both Matthias and Richard gave one of their daughters this very uncommon name. If this be the case, then the second family would correspond name for name with that of William of Rendlesham, and the conclusion would be irresistible that the Wills are those of his sons.

There remains, however, a difficulty. Paul (No. 6) in his Will of 1625 refers to “my mother Mary Whickett, widow,” whereas the wife of William of Rendlesham, who survived him, was Elizabeth. If the two families are identical, the only solution seems to be that Paul is referring to a mother-in-law, though there is no other evidence that he was married. The Chart, however, is based on this assumption.

William Pemberton, of Bredfield, was certainly a relation of the Rendlesham family, Joseph Pemberton (No. 4) being described as a “kinsman” in William’s Will (1640) of which he was executor. There have been Pembertons living at Bredfield until quite recent years.

We referred in the last Chart (37) to Foster’s confusion of William of Rendlesham with William of High Ongar. It may be well here to extract what refers to the former. “1572-3 B.A. Pembroke College, Cambs., 1576 M.A. (incorporated 11 July 1581 at Oxford) . . . 1584 Rector of Rendlesham, co. Suffolk, 1585 Rector of Ufford” (near Rendlesham). John Pemberton, son of William, of Bredfield, became a prominent person in Ipswich, and died there in 1719.

* Proved P.C.C. 4 May 1599, 42 Kidd.

So written also in the Marriage Registers of Charlton. See note on Chart 36.

Chart 39. Family of Rev. Joseph Hardwick
Pemberton, of Havering-atte-Bower, Essex.

This family is probably descended from those given in the preceding Chart. Saxted is attached to the Parish of Framlingham, not very far from Rendlesham and Bredfield. The Arms differ from those of any other family, but the three griffins’ heads appear on the chevron.*

The Rev. Joseph Hardwick Pemberton, whose name we have given to the Chart, is well known, apart from his ministerial work, as the celebrated rose-grower.

The family of Pemberton-Barnes is derived from this Mr. Pemberton’s uncle.

* Fox-Davies’ “Armorial Families.” Mr. Pemberton describes the arms as “teasels’ heads,” the sign of a weaver.

Chart 40. The ffrench-Pembertons, of
New Zealand.

This family is descended from a Robert Pemberton (1789-1877) concerning whose parentage there was always a mystery. The following information is derived from correspondence with his daughter, Miss E. Mary Pemberton (No. 6) (who is living at Folkestone), his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Charles ffrench-Pemberton (No. 3), of Sefton, N.Z., and his grand-daughter, Mrs. Ensor, now Mrs. J. C. Butt, of Rollesby Hall, Norfolk (No. 15).

Robert Pemberton would never speak of his parentage, and was always regarded as the adopted son of a Mrs. Southbrook. This lady was the daughter of Count Philip Denoyer who came over from France during the Revolution, and the god-daughter of Queen Charlotte, and as a child spent much of her time at Kensington Palace. After her marriage with Mr. Southbrook she became acquainted with young Robert Pemberton, to whom she became greatly attached, and of whom she took the greatest care, so that he always looked upon her as his mother. He attended Levées at Court with her and her friends until his own marriage in 1824, when he was 40 years old. On his coming of age Robert had £500 settled on him, but it is not known by whom. His wife was Elizabeth Anne Evans, by whom he had five children. In 1838 the family went to France, living at first in the Provinces, and later in Paris. There the eldest son, Robert, studied at the Sorbonne, and took his Bachelor’s degree. Among his father’s many friends was Lady Broomhead, widow of General Broomhead, and daughter of Lord ffrench. She stood as godmother to Robert Pemberton’s second son, Charles ffrench, who thus introduced the distinctive name into this family. In consequence of the revolutionary disturbances in 1848 the Pembertons returned to England and lived at Chelsea until the marriage of the son Charles in 1856, when the son went to New Zealand, and the father moved to St. Albans where he died at the age of 90, in 1877.